
Web Development

Application Development

Backend Development


Interface & UX Design

Digital Brand & Corporate Entity

Motion Design



CDN & DNS Solutions

Datacenter & Operations









Unlocking Smart Cities and Digitalization:
Designers Lab at the Forefront with Blockchain

Imagine a world where cities seamlessly connect, information flows freely, and secure access is at your fingertips. This is the future of smart cities, powered by the transformative potential of blockchain technology. At Designers Lab, we’re not just imagining it, we’re pioneering it.

What is Blockchain?

Think of blockchain as a secure, transparent ledger shared across a network. Every transaction is recorded and verified, creating an immutable record that fosters trust and eliminates the need for intermediaries.

Why is Blockchain Crucial for Smart Cities?

Enhanced Security

Blockchain safeguards sensitive data, ensuring citizen privacy and protecting critical infrastructure from cyber threats.

Streamlined Processes

Imagine instant government services, secure payments, and automated resource management – all powered by blockchain's efficiency.

Empowering Citizens

With secure digital identities and verifiable records, blockchain empowers citizens to actively participate in their smart city.

Revolutionized Supply Chain and Logistics

Blockchain tracks goods seamlessly, from production to consumption, ensuring transparency, efficiency, and sustainability in smart city supply chains.

Blockchain Affiliates

Designers Lab:
Pioneering the Future

Develop secure and user-friendly applications for accessing city services, managing utilities, facilitating secure transactions, and tracking goods efficiently through the city’s supply chain.

Design robust infrastructure that integrates seamlessly with existing systems, ensuring a smooth transition to a smart city future, including logistics networks and data management for supply chains.

Craft a clear vision for your smart city, harnessing the power of blockchain to create a more connected, efficient, and secure urban environment, with optimized supply chain management at its core.

Blockchain Specialties

Our tailored software solutions empower companies to transcend traditional boundaries, enabling them to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and unlock new opportunities for innovation.

Smart Contracts
Blockchain Development
Progressive Web Apps
E-Commerce Stores
iOS / Android Development
UX / UI Designer
Microinteraction Specialists

Join us in building the future!

Don’t just dream of a smarter city – let Designers Lab help you turn it into reality. Contact us today and explore how blockchain can unlock the full potential of digitalization for your city, including a transparent and efficient supply chain network.

Talk to us


Web Development

Application Development

Backend Development

Wordpress & Shopify


Interface & UX Design

Design System & Design Ops

Motion Design

Blockchain & AI

AI/ML models

Smart Cities

Blockchain Applications